The Dangers of Uncertified Fire Stopping Solutions
Can I use Pink Foam as Firestopping?
Fire Rated Expanding Foams are a cheap, readily available product at any builders merchant that claims to be fire rated up to 240 minutes (4 hours) on the can.
Denoted by their Pink colouring for many they are seen as an adequate firestopping product.
However, fire rated foams are often the worst choice that could be made.
Learn more below.
Are pink foams fire rated?
Short Answer – Yes, but only depending on the product and if installed correctly.
Pink Foams are tested to one of two standards. Pink foams are only as fire rated to the standard, test, conditions and result they achieved.
As an example, a hypothetical pink foam is tested to BS 476 Pt 20/22 (now superseded by BS EN 1363-1 and BS EN 1363-2) and achieved 60 minutes to the following crtieria;
- Blockwork Wall
- 1000mm wide x 10mm high x 50mm deep opening
- Required the exanding foam to be cut flush with the surface of the wall
This pink foam would be fire rated as long as it was installed to that criteria.
However if this Pink Foam was then applied to a
- Plasterboard wall
- 1000mm wide x 25mm high x 25mm deep opening
- Foam left uncut
The pink foam would not fire rated as it was not installed as per its criteria. The manufacturer of the foam would have no test evidence to prove that it can be used in that criteria and therefore would be fraudulent to say it was fire rated.
Two Standards of fire resistance
There are two standards when it comes to fire ratings, one is the physical resistance, the other the spread of flame across the surface. Its important to check what standard the foam has.
1. Surface Spread of Flame:
If a fire was applied, the distance and speed at which it spread along the surface.
This is broken into Class as per the BS 476 Pt 7;
Class 1 – i.e the least distance spread and the slowest flame speed
Class 4 – i.e. the furthest distance and the fastest flame speed
Products with this standard typically cannot withstand a full fire scenario for a long duration. The classifications are often attributed to Paints, Surfaces etc.
2. Fire Resistance of non-loadbearing elements:
If a fire was applied, this determines its resistance under heating and pressure conditions in terms of elapsed time to the nearest minute.
This is broken into essential categories as per the BS 476 Pt 20/22;
Integrity – Physical resistance to the fire/heat before the product fails and allows fire through
Insulation – The rise of temperature, heat transfer through the product, the transfer of smoke
Products with this standard are typically given a duration to the nearest minute they achieve = 240 minutes fire integrity and 60 minutes insulation for example.
The problems with pink foam
So what is the problem with Pink Foams?
Looking at this photo, can you identify the following;
- The Pink Foams manufacturer?
- The Pink Foams fire rating?
- The Pink Foam test standard?
- Pink Foams installer?
- Pink Foams compatibility with services?
- Is this install correct?
Click for the Answers
Q1 = Unknown, there are countless products out there. They all visually look the same once installed.
Q2, Q3, Q5 = Unknown, without knowing the product there is no way to tell if the product was correctly installed.
Q4 = Unknown, no evidence of the installer is present to contact to ask for information.
Q6 = No, without evidence or any of the above this install cannot be relied upon for its performance. Not to mention the fact that it has gaps which allow fire/smoke to bypass.
In short – Pink Foam is untraceable

So should I use Pink Foam as firestopping?
Pink Foams should not be used for fire stopping.
No one Pink Foam is the same as another and care should be taken to read the instructions, test evidence and specifications.
Most are only suitable in gaps of 10-30mm wide in blockwork construction. Using Pink Foam beyond those suitable means can have major impacts to life safety.
Evolutions Fire Protection would advise completely against the use of pink foams for any application.
Fire Stopping products have been rigorously tested and achieve a certification under a scheme such as Certifire.
These certified fire stopping products ensure that a wider array of conditions, substrates, services, gaps and imperfections in construction are adequately sealed, providing reliable fire resistance and peace of mind.
Using products like Pink Foam can lead to catastrophic failures during a fire. These products may not offer the sufficient integrity/insulation or expand properly to seal gaps, allowing fire and smoke to spread rapidly. This may be due to their insufficient testing, lack of contractor due diligence or the incorrect installation/product selection.
No competent third-party certified fire stopping contractor uses Pink Foam.
Also, Pink Foam can be toxic
Polyurethane (PU) foam fillers are often toxic when burned producing carbon monoxide and thick black smoke if inhaled. These two conditions can actually cause more harm in a fire scenario if the product is widely used. Filling up rooms with toxic black smoke which impede the ability to escape, cause lasting health conditions or simply killing the occupier through monoxide poisoning.

Ensure Your Safety by using a Certified Firestopping Contractor to replace any foam in your building.
Always opt for fire stopping solutions that have been tested and proven to meet stringent criteria. Better yet, opt for a certified installer like Evolutions Fire Protection to choose the most appropriate solution to firestop the gaps, services as they are more likely to choose products which have been tested and meet the criteria of what is required.
Our Fire Stopping Services
Certified Fire Stopping Solutions
We offer a range of fire stopping products that are fully tested and certified to meet BS476 Pt 22 standards, ensuring maximum safety and compliance.
Fire Stopping Installation Services
Our expert team provides thorough installation services, addressing all gaps and imperfections in construction to prevent fire spread effectively.
Third-Party Certification
All our fire stopping installations are carried out under a third-party certification scheme, guaranteeing the highest level of quality and reliability.
Ongoing Maintenance and Support
We offer ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that your fire stopping systems remain effective and compliant over time.
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